About Design Sprint-1

What is the Design Sprint

Design sprint

  • The Design Sprint is a proven methodology for solving problems through designing, prototyping, and testing ideas with users.

  • 가설을 개발하고, 아이디어를 프로토타입화 하며, 실제 환경에서 가능한 적은 투자로 신속하게 테스트할 수 있게 해주는 도구

Design Sprint has 6 phases


Phase 1 - Understand

Design Sprint - Understand

  • Create a shared knowledge base across all paticipants
  • Using various method (ex. HMW, Lightning Talk)
    • Lightning Talk
      • 컨퍼런스에나 포럼에서 열리는 짧은 프레젠테이션
      • Each Lightnig Talk should last 10 to 15 minites
    • Derections
      1. Determine topics
      2. Speakers for each topics explain about their topics
      3. Creating a slide template

라이트닝 토크

Lightningtalk from Dongju Shin
Written on May 30, 2019